FDG Dose Dispensors

FDG Dose Dispensors

Automatic dose dispenser which can decrease exposure to radiation workers

Highly Cost effective

No need for any special disposables.

Self-shielded with Tungsten and Lead.

Body made up with stainless steel resistant to chemicals, easily cleanable.

Quick & easy waste handling.

Reasonable level of automation.

Minimum time 3 minutes needed for first dose setup after getting FDG


Vial Shield by 68mm PB


Easy software handling.

Automatic linearity tests.

Based on preset values

Software will recommend value of FDG

based on Weight or BMI


Dose Range: 35 to 1800MBq

Maximum vial volume: 25ml

Maximum radioactivity: 20 GBq

Maximum concentration: 2500MBq/ml

Radiopharmaceuticals: All Gamma emitters

Weight: 72 Kg

Specially designed Tungsten container might be used for FDG transportation from the supplier eliminates unshielded manipulation with vial.

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