Radiacwash Towelettes

Radiacwash Towelettes

Radiacwash Towelettes are the most efficient and safest way to remove radiocontamination from hands and small objects. Radiacwash Towelettes are individually packaged paper towels saturated in a special Radiacwash solution. Simply remove the towelette from the foil packet, scrub hands thoroughly and wash the contamination away with running water.

Radiacwash has been used extensively in hospitals, universities, laboratories and reactor facilities since 1951. It is the first and most popular general purpose decontamination solution specifically created for the fast and safe removal of the entire spectrum of nuclidic radioactivity.

Radiacwash is a concentrated solution designed to rapidly control radioactive contamination and remove radioactive particles from surfaces by a two-way action. First, it will sequester metallic ions which contaminate surfaces. Second, it lifts up and firmly suspends the contaminating particles, allowing contamination to be rinsed away with hard, soft or salt water.

Radiacwash will remove general laboratory contaminants such as soil, grease, oil, blood, resides, resins, and tissue and can be used safely on all surfaces, either straight or diluted, including skin, cloth, all metals, glass, floors, walls, leather, rubber, porcelain, plastic, laboratory instruments, utensils and equipment.

Radiacwash is a synergic liquid compound that optimally combines a number of different chemical and physical principles causing it to act as a surface-wetting sequestering agent, chelater, carrier, ion-exchanger, emulsifier, solvent, complexer, peptizer and detergent.

Radiacwash has a pH of 5, contains no phosphates, chromates, silicates, enzymes, borates, aluminates, carbonates, halids and inert fillers that can interfere with sensitive analytical procedures.

Radiacwash is non-alkaline, non-corrosive, biodegradable and germicidal.

005-300 Radiacwash, Towelettes, 100/box

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